

Click Locations on the left side of the page to access the Locations page. Here, you can manage company levels and also how each location fits into the Company Chart. Each of the locations shown on this page is available to choose in other parts of CompyAssistant.

Company Levels

In most companies, each location fits into the company organizational structure. Several company levels are provided by default, including Organization, Facility, Areas, and Department. You can edit each of these levels, and you can add additional levels. 

To edit a company level, click the Edit link for that level, change the Name of the level, and click Submit.

To add a company level, click the New Company Level link on the right side of the page, type in the Name of the level, and click Submit. The new company level will appear in the Company Levels panel.

New Location

To add a location, click the New Location link on the right side of the page to display a popup window. Type in a Name, and choose the item in the Reports To drop-down to which this location belongs. Optionally, complete the remainder of the form and click the Submit button. 

The new location will appear in the Company Chart.

Company Chart

This chart depicts the company level hierarchy that corresponds to the levels in the Company Levels panel and the various locations. Click on a node in the chart to display a popup. Make any changes and then click the Submit button.

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