Regulation management process - Knowledge Base - ComplyAssistant

Regulation management process

Regulation management organizes your compliance activities around regulations and the parts of the rule. This module gives you the ability to record compliance and risk levels for each location in your organization, assign risk mitigation procedures, and document compliance processes.

When you view a regulation in Regulation Management, you’ll see an overview of the rule hierarchy and the risk and compliance level for a specific location.

The Rule Hierarchy section contains an expandable list of each part of the rule, you’ll see the status for the compliance level and risk levels.

Click the small magnifying glass icon to view a popup window that gives a summary.

All compliance categories in ComplyAssistant have configurable compliance level options. 

These are the general steps for managing regulation:

  1. Click a part of the rule.
  2. Read the rule. ComplyAssistant provides information describing the rule and offers extra reference and guidance where necessary.
  3. Analyze the documents. ComplyAssistant will aggregate and provide relevant documentation related to the rule. These documents may be uploaded in the documentation function or uploaded when answering assessment questions.
  4. Familiarize yourself with the documentation associated with the rule.
  5. Document your analysis of the information. ComplyAssistant allows you to summarize current processes, gaps, and future plans.
  6. Enter your ratings. Given your analysis of the information, consider the compliance levels and risk levels for the rule.
  7. Create a task for the action items that you discover.

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