Another part of the settings gives you the ability to manage third-party entities and contacts. These contacts will appear in other places in ComplyAssistant, such as assigning assessments to a specific contact.
Click Third Parties and Contacts on the left side of the page and, on the Third Parties and Contacts page, click the New Third Party link on the right side of the page.
In the popup window, complete the mandatory fields and scroll to the bottom. Click the Submit button and then look for the new third party to appear in the list.
Click Third Parties and Contacts on the left side of the page and, on the Third Parties and Contacts page, click the New Contact link on the right side of the page.
In the popup window, complete the mandatory fields and scroll to the bottom. Of course, it is essential to choose a Third Party. When complete, click the Submit button.
In the third party list, look for the new contact to appear in the card for the third party that you chose in the popup window.
If you have many contacts to add to ComplyAssistant, you can import those contacts more efficiently.
Click Third Parties and Contacts on the left side of the page and click the Third Party and Contact Import link on the right side of the page.
On the Import page:
Click the Download the Import Template link on the right side of the page. See the figure below.
Locate this file in the Downloads folder of your computer and open it. Type information into the columns of the template, or paste it from another location.
NOTE: The columns in the template correspond to the fields in the New Contact popup window (see above).
Continue adding one additional row per contact. For multiple contacts in the same third party, you can save effort by copy-and-pasting any repetitive third party information in the leftmost columns.
Save the template with a meaningful filename.
Back on the Import page, click the Choose File button and locate the file.
Click open and wait for the file to upload.
Click the Import button.
Return to the Third Parties and Contact list to see your updates.