Question Libraries
Clone a question library
By cloning a question library, you make a copy of it that you can edit. You can make a clone of any question library, including system-defined libraries. Follow these steps to clone a question library: Click on the library link to access the ...
Manage the questions in a library
It is not possible to add questions to a question library that is System defined. These are the ways you can manage the questions in a library: Change the order of the question by clicking and dragging the small Move icon. Edit the question by ...
Add a question to a library
It is not possible to add questions to a question library that is System defined. Follow these steps to add a question to a library: Click Add Questions to display a new question panel. Type in the Question and use the toolbar to format the text of ...
Create a question library
A question library is a set of questions that can be reused across many assessments. A question may also feature a question reference and question mapping. Types of question libraries: System defined — you can use any of these libraries or clone a ...