

ComplyAssistant includes a contract management module to help you document contracts and setup alerts and messaging that pertains to a contract. An example might be a hospital that engages with a billing service vendor by means of one or more contracts.

Access this module by clicking Contracts in the main menu bar.

In the menu on the right, click Create New Contract to begin a new contract. To view details for an existing contract, simply click the name in the list.

On the contract page, notice the items in the menu on the right. Using these links, you can add a general task to the contract, change the contract status, create a new version of the contract, edit the contract, manage attachments, export the contract to a PDF, and delete the contract.

Editing a contract

Click the Edit Contract link to access a page on which you can make changes to most of the contract details. 

You can edit the contract Name and Description, and choose the Contract Type. If necessary, click the link to add a contract type. Optionally, choose a new Contract Owner (or add a new user), choose a new Vendor (or add a new third party; see Contract Settings), and choose one or more Contracting Entities (or add a new location).

Choose the Phase in which the contract is at present, and optionally change the Start Date and End Date.

Scroll down the page to see sections for managing Terms, Reminders, Notifications, and Reviews. 

Reminders and notifications: Notifications are linked to reminders. When choosing a Notification window, type in the number of days prior to the Monday which you want to include the reminders.

Click one of the Submit buttons at the bottom of the page to commit your changes. Otherwise, click Cancel.

At the bottom of the contract page, you’ll find a summary of the reminders, files, comments, history, and tasks.

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